In the timeless classic titled "Think and Grow Rich" the author Napoleon Hill first introduced the concept of a mastermind group' and since then the idea has caught on the imagination of thousands of business people and professionals from across the world. According to Hill, the mastermind group was the union of two or more people when they come together to achieve something similar and both of them naturally has the same objectives and goals in mind.
But ironically, though we agree that such a group can be extremely helpful as both the people involved can gain from each other's knowledge and experience, but in reality we do not see this happen in most places. This does not happen at a traditional job because of competition and ego clashes between peers, and this does not happen in a home business because in this case, the entrepreneur has shut himself or herself up from the rest of the world mostly. His interactions with people have drastically gone down since the time he/she started the home business.
But if you can be a little more pro-active and if you can leave your ego behind, then there is definitely a lot to be gained from a mastermind group. Remember the popular phrase "Two brains are always better than one." Even if you are a home business entrepreneur and do not get to meet so many people, then too there are forums and groups you can be members of. These are the places where you will come across others like you and some of them are true experts. Thus, you can gain a lot from their knowledge and experience. So form your mastermind group and begin to share your knowledge and for sure, you will see a positive change.
Your mastermind group members will provide you the opportunity to discuss complicated issues concerning your trade. This is drastically reduces the chances of a mistake. You will know how to react in a particular situation and also be able to identify new opportunities. Plus of course, it always helps to know someone else who is in the same trade and this is particularly helpful for a home business entrepreneur because when you are working from home, you run the risk of becoming somewhat of a loner.
Currently residing in Atlanta, GA, Nancy and Bill Jamison have been married 9 incredible years. They have 2 brilliant children Rex and Luke that keep them grounded in the present moment and continuously teach them about the wonderment of life. Nancy is a successful Home Business Expert & Entrepreneur, the Co-Author of Hyper-Growth: How to Catapult the Growth of Any Small Business Using Proven M5 System, due out in Spring 2009 & the CO-Leader of a weekly International Mastermind Meeting. Nancy is an avid reader, gardener, world traveler and lifelong student of Personal Development. Together, Nancy & Bill share their love for God by volunteering at their Church and teaching Sunday school. To find out more about Nancy Jamison & to receive a FREE Business Strategy Call (value $400) & a FREE Audio of Marketing & Advertising Strategies with Nancy Jamison (value $250), visit
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